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M. K. Gandhi
Not to believe in the possibility of enduring peace means, not to believe in the health of human kind. The methods used so far failed, because the once that tried, where lacking the slightest bit of incerity.
But they didn't know of their deficiency. Peace can not be concoured by a partial fulfillment of the conditions. If the leaders of human kind, the once that control the weapons of mass destruction, with full knowledge of the consequences, desclaim to make use of them, then we could make enduring peace possible. This seems impossible unless the nations in power give up on their imperialistic plans. It is also impossible, as long as the nations in power believe in the souldestroying powerbattles, and if they don't give up on their greed for the increase of needs and as a result to that the craving for material wealth.
I dare to say, that the maxim of non-violence is also valid between
countries. I know I am walking on dangerous ground, bringing the memory of the last war to our minds. I have to do so, to explain my point ot view. If I understood this right, it was a developmental war on both sides. It was a war over who would have more rights to exploit the weakest nations, or in a more familiar way: "world trade". You understand, that before europe starts a great disarmament - which has to happen one day, if europe does not want to commit suicide - some nation, as dareing as it may seem, has to put down their weapons and take on a great deal of danger. The degree of non-violence in this nation - should this delightful event happen - will be high enough to receive global respect. Their views will be clear, their decisions unchangeable, their ability for heroic selfdenial great, and it will be inspired by the wish to save life, for themselfes and other nations.
M. K. Gandhi
Love is a seasonal fruit, that grows in any kind of weather
There is too much hate and there is to much war on this planet.
We can not stop that with guns, bombs or any other kind of weapon
that wounds us, only with love, happiness and peace.
Mutter Teresa von Kalkutta
They act in such a way: high up on their horses, devided squads,
they carry guns and a new weapon - an electrically loaded club for the
As a training for the announcements they combed through town, followed
and tortoured every coloured, that would not obey in submission.
Martin Luther King